20th November 2020. Edition One. In this edition: President's Message, Proposed Child Care Centre at 181-183 Beecroft Rd,
NorthConnex opened,
Proposed Electric Vehicle charging station,
Byles Creek Study,
Thematic History of Hornsby,
Draft Walking and Cycling Strategy, The former Metro haulage Rd
Newsletter from Jullian Leeser MP,
Recent Development Applications,
Latest Police Reports.
Message from the President As president I am often contacted by
Hornsby Council on various local matters. There has always been a
professional and symbiotic relationship between both parties that
continues today. Various sources in Council have requested that the
Trust continue making representations to our local Member of Parliament
Dominic Perrottet about the current poor state of the bush
rehabilitation along the former haulage road at Cheltenham.
I feel that if I do not continue to draw his attention to the matter,
then with his heavy responsibilities, he is unlikely to act and rate
payers will be continuing to pay for the poor quality work carried out
by the Metro Construction Authority. The Metro Project has simply closed
up shop and walked away leaving, in my opinion, an environmental mess
that will take many years to correct.
I have been raising the haulage road for over 12 months now and there is
still no satisfactory outcome. It’s a relatively minor matter but
financially important to our cash strapped Council. It is also
environmentally important to the Beecroft and Cheltenham community who
have lost significant tracts of quality bushland over the years to
various infrastructure projects. So, with the full support of Hornsby
Council, I believe it is my duty as President to continue to lobby
Dominic Perrottet until we the community achieve a satisfactory outcome.
To repair the environmental damage created by the Metro project, Council
requires a funding from the State Government. If you are concerned
about our bushland and the way Transport for NSW has treated our
Council, you are welcome to support the Trust by emailing Dominic
Perrottet at (epping@parliament.nsw.gov.au)
I have prepared a summary of the project below to assist understanding
of the issue. I do not see why Hornsby ratepayers should pay to correct
poor management by Transport NSW. In my opinion it would have been
better if the Metro project had simply forwarded the budgeted funds and
management to Council 18 months ago.
About the M2 noise issue, as I reported in the last eNews, many of you
have written to our local member Dominic Perrottet. This pressure has to
be sustained, so if you haven’t already wriiten, and are suffering from
the M2 noise, then email Dominic Perrottet at (epping@parliament.nsw.gov.au)
Proposed Child Care Centre at 181-183 Beecroft Rd Cheltenham Development Application 259/2020 was rejected by the Local Planning Panel on Wednesday night 28th October 2020. The Trust supports the Panel’s determination. Council’s report and the Panel’s determination dated 28th October can be viewed here CLICK HERE.
A video recording of the Panel’s meeting can be viewed here. CLICK HERE.
NorthConnex opened on Saturday 31 October Anyone
travelling on Pennant Hills Rd from Beecroft to Normanhurst would have
noticed the absence of large trucks and a noticeable reduction in
traffic since 1st of November. Not to mention a reduction in noise as
well. Fingers crossed this current situation will continue into the
future. Picture
taken of traffic on Pennant Hills Road from the pedestrian bridge at
the Beecroft Rd intersection before the opening of the NorthConnex
Tunnel on 1st November 2020. (photo courtesy Michael Bianchino)
Picture taken of traffic on Pennant Hills Road from the pedestrian bridge on 19th November 2020. (photo courtesy Brian Shirley)
Proposed Electric vehicle charging station in Beecroft Jolt
Charge is proposing the installation of a electric charging station in
Hornsby Council’s car park adjoining the Beecroft fire station. The bay
identified is located next to the large green coloured electric
transformer. Details of its operation will be forthcoming once it is
approved. In the meantime Council will provide advice to Jolt
Charge on the required planning and approval processes for this
proposal, to ensure it complies with relevant legislation and the
Hornsby Shire Council Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Public Land
Byles Creek Study update Hornsby
Council recently, at their November general meeting,resolved to review
the planning controls for residential lots adjoining the Byles Creek
corridor. The study will be funded from monies held from the sale of the
former church (now child care centre) at 179 Beecroft Road, Cheltenham.
This latest study follows on from an earlier Council study that
concluded that no additional open space was required in the Byles Creek
Community Consultation – Thematic History of Hornsby Hornsby
Shire Council is welcoming community input into the preparation of a
new ‘Thematic History’ for Hornsby Shire. GML Heritage, the company
engaged by Council, has contacted the Trust requesting residents to
share our stories and information and to contribute to the project.
Email in a submission using hornsby@gml.com.au . Also there is the link to the Social Pinpoint . CLICK HERE.
Draft Walking and Cycling Strategy Hornsby
Council’s draft walking and cycling strategy is now on exhibition.
Beecroft and Cheltenham are referred in the strategy that aims to
increase participation in walking and cycling, prioritise its delivery
and improve the supporting infrastructure and resourcing for these
activities in the Local Government Area over the next 10 years.. CLICK HERE for information on Council’s website. CLICK HERE for the draft strategy.
Rehabilitation of the Bushland along the Former Temporary Haulage Road
between Kirkham St and the Netball Courts at Cheltenham Oval. CLICK HERE
for a document outlining the Trust's understanding of the Metro Project
and why the rehabilitated bushland is in its current unacceptable
Julian Leeser MP. Newsletter dated November2020 The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
Recent Development Applications The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Web Site now has links to recently
submitted Development Applications in the 2119 postcode area. This
page will be updated with every eNews publication. CLICK HERE To access them.
Latest Police Reports CLICK HERE for
the latest reports. Just a reminder that these reports are
regularly provided by the Ryde Police Area Command which includes the
entire suburbs of Beecroft & Cheltenham.
Annual Memberships for 2020 became due in March... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.The
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. Currently we have over 1090 email addresses. We
encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and
friends. The eNews letter is available to all who subscribe.
Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.